6 Free Chat Widgets You Can Consider For Your Blog
I did search for and try many chats widgets the whole night. and here are some points I can present.
It is a bit hard to decide which to use since there are so many chat tools provided and they are all free. I could at least say that the number reaches more than 60 chat tools ready to employ and embed to blogs or websites.
It is a bit hard to decide which to use since there are so many chat tools provided and they are all free. I could at least say that the number reaches more than 60 chat tools ready to employ and embed to blogs or websites.
You will find it interesting to try one by one, but of course, it will take your whole life before you get what you want . Hahaha, kiddin'! Instead, I've got some recommended blog chat tools you can consider to use. You may have known some, but there may be some others you haven't.
Zohochat is easy to set-up, slick, simple to use, and has a professional-look. You can choose whether it is for shout-box or live chat. This one is what I recommend most.
Well, because Oggix is one of karya anak bangsa, so I simply got to say in Bahasa Indonesia sajah (lebay dikit gapapah....lah ^_^). Shout-box ini adalah karya dari Mas Oggix, men-support smiley, avatar dan tidak membatasi jumlah entri chat. Bahkan anda juga bisa memasang lebih dari satu shout-box di satu blog /website dengan satu account saja. Ajax platformed. Just give it a try here.
Yoo-hoo, there are of course many other chat/shout-box widgets to find and consider. Just type some words on Mr. Google.
Oops! I forgot to present one other tool; that is: Shoutmix. The service enables you to modify the appearance of your widget by employing many optional themes, as well as custom CSS. This tool is able to filter profane words from being displayed on the shout-box.
Oops! I forgot to present one other tool; that is: Shoutmix. The service enables you to modify the appearance of your widget by employing many optional themes, as well as custom CSS. This tool is able to filter profane words from being displayed on the shout-box.
Have a nice try!
6 Free Chat Widgets You Can Consider For Your Blog
Written by: Ahmad Khoirul Azmi
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Written by: Ahmad Khoirul Azmi
Thanks for reading! Suka dengan artikel ini? Please link back artikel ini dengan codedi bawah atau share dengan sharing buttons di atas. Copy paste wajib dengan ijin saya, serta menggunakan link sumber seperti di bawah. Gunakan etika. Saya akan berlakukan DMCA COMPLAINT secara langsung tanpa pemberitahuan atas copas tanpa mengikuti ketentuan yg berlaku.
Wah diborong semua disini. haha, bagi-bagi lah sob.. Keywordnya maksudnya. hmm bisa nanti ane buat 1001 Free Chat Widgets You Can Consider For Your Blog. haha
bos gw pemula blog,gw mw minta ijin copaz..tapi gw binggung copaznya gmn...mohon bantuannya..thx email ke mickygerald@gmail.com ya..salam kenal
aku masih newbie banget gan salam kenal terima kasih atas semua infonya ikut merapat gan
Kalau menurut saya pribadi, chat Envolve jauh lebih mantap. Chatnya mirip dengan chat Facebook...
tapi itu bisa mengurangi kcpatan blog kita pa ga ya
Udah ku posting di Blog aku tuh Link blog km min! Backlink ya sob!
Makasih infonya gan, maklum masih newbie :)
mampir kesini ya agan - agan cakep! :D
lumayan dicoba, aku jg prnh buat chat tp lewat envolve.
visit back y sob
CBox tuh lebih enak..... rasanya kayak makan bakso.
maksudnya pengunjung gue dari luar jadi banyak
post nya bagus gan thanks infonya
kunjungi juga website kita gan
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